Sunday, February 23, 2014

Podcast ep.3

Hi everyone….welcome  back to “Good Health Get Easy” with me Hemsuda Pooltawee again. How is it going? Thank you for following my podcast so far. I was very glad to present a piece of some useful suggestions about getting healthy to you in the last two episodes. Time is gone fast, this is my third podcasts episode now. Do you keep workouts?  Hopefully, you all did a good job and feel good with it. This time I’m presenting the way to have good health and get fit. I'm talking about “Health-related fitness” that and the components of physical fitness in deep information. Have you ever heard about it? Do you know, what is it is about? Physical Fitness is an a bodily ability of body to perform an ordinary activity in a daily life safely and efficiency without undue fatigue and still have energy left to do something else. Some examples of daily life activities are walking up stairs, run across the street, taking the train or carrying some stuff. If you've done each of those activities without feeling tired or fatigued then you can continue to other activities, and that means you have good physical fitness. Physical Fitness is composed of Health-related fitness, Motor skill-related fitness and Physiologic fitness.

Back to the Health-related fitness topic that I’m going to focus on. Health-related fitness is an ability to perform activities of daily life without undue fatigue and cause of low while lowering your risk of premature hypokinetic diseases. The Health-related fitness components are cardiorespiratory endurance (aerobic), muscular strength and endurance, muscular flexibility and body composition. I’m first talking with First, I'll talk about cardiorespiratory endurance (aerobic) which is the functions of the lungs (pulmonary), heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular) and muscular systems work together during aerobic activities. Cardiorespiratory endurance means is the ability of the lungs, heart and blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts of oxygen to cells to be enough of through a long duration of physical activity. At the same level of intensity of activity, the person who has a high level of cardiorespiratory endurance is able to deliver the required amounts of oxygen to the tissues by with less of a workout than the person who has a low level of cardiorespiratory endurance. This is what happened happens while you breathe: oxygen is picked up by hemoglobin (blood substance) into the lungs to exchange gas, which is then transported in the blood to heart. Afterward, the heart is pumping pumps blood that carry carries an oxygen through to the tissues. Imagine, a high level of cardiorespiratory endurance is able to get more a higher volume of oxygen volumes by from one time inhale, breath, while more oxygen is delivered to the tissues, the heart is lower rates pumped, pumps at a lower rate, and muscles are less worked and fatigued is less gained. That all means the higher most of a high level of cardiorespiratory endurance you have, the least less energy you loss lose.

The easy easiest way to get closely a high level of cardiorespiratory endurance is doing aerobic exercise, which is continuing exercise long time over 15 minute by and keeping heart rate above 60% of maximum heart rate. It is better to do exercise 5 days a week to increase a your level of cardiorespiratory endurance, then adjust the period and intensity when you are getting used to that intensity (notice; sign of getting used to the intensity, you are not tired, your heart rate is down under 60% of maximum heart rate) How is it so far? This time, I was talked I talked about such a deep and complicated knowledge, therefore and so there is not enough time for to cover all of the information. I’ll go over the left on overs next time. Thank you for being with me. See you next time with “Good Health Get Easy” Goodbye.  

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