Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Podcast ep.1

Hello everyone and welcome to the first introducing about episode of " Good health Get easy" with me, Hemsuda Pooltawee. " Good health Get easy" is a podcast that guides you through a correct ways to get more benefits in a one-time workout.

People go to the gym with a different goals. They all want to success succeed in their goal and get more benefits of from their workout despite however, some of them not don't even know the correct way how to do and most of them are this, or if they do  know, but they are ignore to do it. I'm going to talk about steps of working out in a session of workout workout session. No matter what is your goal of the workout is for, the very first step you should do is warming up.

Warming up is consists of 3 phases. First, increasing in body temperature and blood pressure by increasing in intensity in physical activity. Feeling hot, breathing faster and sweating should be observed in this phase. Second, joint mobility, the benefits of moving slowly and gently is to get full ranges of motion that you don't use in a daily life to prevent injuries. The Last phase is a stretching, which is extends muscles. A Body that has done a little moving as if sit at by sitting in the same position all day long can cause more muscle tensions, which is limits body movement. Stretching is improves more muscle movement abilities, make muscles faster and powerful, and also prevents injuries.

For example, before a workout you might try slowly jogging on treadmill, cycling, doing an elliptical, walking up on the stair (this phase is about 15 minutes). Then moving your joints: neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, waist, hip, knee, ankle and fingers. You should do 5-10 repetition in a for each same joint. Afterwards, stretching you should stretch your muscles such as chest, shoulder, arm, back, buttock, trunk, thigh and calf by holding each action until for 10 seconds, then repeating it 2 or 3 times per part. The Estimated time of warming up is about 30 minutes. Afterwards, start doing an activity. Warming up is a method that preparing prepares and stimulating stimulated the body to ready to be high and prepares it to response to nerve signals for quick and more efficient action, and it also prevents and decreases injuries by the ways.

Alright, time is up for today. I hope my podcast is helpful for you and I'm going to talk tell you more about the rest this topic next time. Don't forget to warm up before your next workout next time.  This has been" Good health Get easy" Goodbye.

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